Wednesday, October 23, 2013

November 18 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop

Our Last Workshop for 2013!

Please join our upcoming workshop on November to master your presentation skills. It will be our last workshop of the year and we look forward to working with you!

November 18 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop - Time to Master the Stage!

Date: Monday, November 18, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Ramada Hong Kong, 388 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$2,280 for One, HK$3,900 for Two
To Register: Send email with contact details to: or register online by clicking right hand corner

To review testimonials from previous participants, please CLICK HERE.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

September 21 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop

2013 marks the 8th year we are running our Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop and we have had the privilege of working with hundreds of genuine, intelligent and committed individuals who wish to unleash their brilliance on stage.

The ability to communicate masterfully boosts leadership, influence and success. The ability to communicate masterfully on stage multiplies this exponentially. The good news is that it is a LEARNABLE skill with practice, the right mindset and intention.

We help individuals achieve a single day! We have decoded a barrier that holds people back from demonstrating their highest level of brilliance and devised tools to break through those barriers. How do we know if this works? After years of sharing this with participants and seeing their results, we KNOW our methodology works.

Do join our upcoming Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop on September 21st to transform your public speaking skills. We guarantee results!

September 21 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop - Time to Unleash Your Leadership!

Date: Saturday, September 21, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Ramada Hong Kong, 388 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$2,280 for One, HK$3,900 for Two
To Register: Send email with contact details to: or register online by clicking right hand corner

To review testimonials from previous participants, please CLICK HERE.

Friday, May 17, 2013

July 22 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop

We are often asked about the shortest path to presenting with confidence and no doubt, the number one way to reach this is PREPARATION. The amount of time you invest in preparation will directly correlate to the level of confidence you feel in presenting your ideas, point of view or case for change.

The methodology we use at our Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop first focuses on the intrinsic part of presenting; the mindset, getting over the fears/anxiety, the state of mind and purpose of presenting before we go into structure, techniques and application. These are two entirely different sets of preparation, equally important but people tend to focus more on the latter, as in content, content, content!

By focusing on the mindset, overcoming the fear and tapping into the strengths and genius within will you be dynamic, confident and inspiring.

Invest a day with us and you will walk away transformed...this we promise!

July 22 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop - Time to Dazzle Your Audience!

Date: Monday, July 22, 2013
Time: 10:00am to 7:00pm
Venue: Ramada Hong Kong, 388 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$2,280 for One, HK$3,900 for Two
To Register: Send email with contact details to: or register online by clicking right hand corner

To review testimonials from previous participants, please CLICK HERE.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

May 11 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop

Thank you for your continuous support! Our three workshops so far in 2013 have seen amazing transformation and of course, this would not be possible without the beautiful people that we have the privilege of working with. Every participant is courageous, inspiring and such a pleasure to work with.

Our next workshop will focus on the power of persuasion and how to maximize your presentation to influence, empower and inspire others to action.

"Speak to Inspire like Obama? Yes You Can!"

May 11 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop - Time to Inspire your Audience!

Date: Saturday, May 11, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Venue: Ramada Hong Kong, 388 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$2,280 for One, HK$3,900 for Two
To Register: Send email with contact details to: or clicking registration box upper right corner.

To read testimonials from previous participants, please CLICK HERE.


Structure of a Great Speech

If you have not yet come across Nancy Duarte's work, check out her presentation on what makes a great, inspiring, compelling speech. Her research has revealed an interesting pattern in some of the greatest speeches of all time, including Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream".

At our Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop, we share the basic structure of a speech which has been valuable for many of our participants in their preparation of content. This breakthrough structure uncovered by Nancy Duarte takes it to another level.


Monday, February 4, 2013

March 11 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop

We are getting into the full swing of 2013 and happy to announce our next workshop on March 11th. The theme for this workshop is a very popular topic for our clients - how image matters when presenting.

Please be sure to register early as seats will fill up very quickly.

March 11 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop - Time To Make Your Best Impression!

Date: Monday, March 11, 2013
Time: 9:30am to 7:00pm
Venue: Ramada Hong Kong Hotel, 388 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$2,280 for one, HK$3,900 for two
To Register: Send email with contact details to or register online by clicking upper right corner

Please CLICK HERE to read our client testimonials.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 Tips for Story Telling

Our theme for our upcoming January 26 Dynamic Presentation Skills Workshop is "Time to Tell Your Story" so it makes sense that we share some tips on how to use this technique to capture your audience.

It's no secret that story telling is a very powerful skill to enthrall, captivate and connect with your audience. It is an art that has been around for as long as human beings have been alive -- an art of passing on knowledge, lessons, history and providing hours of entertainment long before smartphones, Netflix, TV and Facebook.

In the public speaking arena, when used skillfully, story telling can create meaningful emotional impact on your presentation and keep the audience enraptured. They will also remember your presentation for a long time to come. I recently delivered a presentation to a Toastmasters group and at the end of the presentation, an audience member approached me and commented on how much she enjoyed my speech and that we had met several years ago at another presentation. She said she still remembers very clearly the story I told about the Dalai Lama. It reinforced my strong belief that speeches come and go but stories will stay in our hearts for a while longer, or forever.

Here are my Top Five Tips for Storytelling which we will cover in more depth at our upcoming January 26 Workshop.

1. Use relevant stories for your topic - select stories carefully to make a point in your presentation and not just tell a story for the sake of using this skill. Ensure that there is a relevant message in the story to make your point.

2. Use vivid details in your story - Appeal to the senses by painting very visual details, adding elements relating to the sense of smell, touch or sound. Example: "the wonderful aroma of coffee was drifting into the room as I awoke to the spectacular sunrise outside my window." Using vivid details, placing the emotions and visuals of your story will take the audience there with you and then watch them lean in closer as you lead them into the story.

3. Use your own stories - Your personal stories offer so much insight as to who you are authentically and can make your presentation so much more appealing. When audience members learn more about you, they will feel more connected with you. Just remember point #1 to make it relevant to your key message. Also, your own personal stories will have total credibility as no one can ever dispute your experiences and the details will be easier to remember.

4. Rehearse your stories and be sure remember the important details - When you are recounting a story from history or someone else's experience, you need to be accurate with the details to ensure credibility. In training, I often refer to stories to emphasize learning points and cannot afford to misquote details. Be sure to rehearse the stories so that you do not forget mid way to check on notes.

5. Pay attention to great stories all around you - There are many wonderful stories to use if you are alert to the story opportunities around you. At a friend's wedding when an unfortunate mishap around spilling red wine on her wedding gown became a story in different situations in my training. While it was unfortunate when it happened, it did have a happy ending and the story offered so many points of learning. Aside from your friends' experiences, the current news, blogs of interest, newsletters and books offer many fascinating stories to draw upon.

To get started, think about a life-defining moment that has affected your path/career in life. It is a good basis for your personal mission story and a focal point for your career goals in 2015!